The AIDWA and NFIW deplore and condemn the attack on Minati Ghosh, State Secretary of the Ganatantrik Mahila Samity in West Bengal and former Minister in the Left Front Government by TMC goons when she was attending to her work in the office in South Dinajpur. The office was attacked and she was dragged out to the street. She was physically assaulted and humiliated in the most shameful ways. She has had to be hospitalized with serious injuries. If a person of Minati Ghosh’s seniority and stature can be attacked in this shameful way then no woman in West Bengal can be considered safe from the TMC goons. It is necessary for the National Commission of Women to look into the case and take urgent action.
The AIDWA and NFIW strongly condemn the assaults on Left activists and the others in West Bengal in declared retaliation for the incident in Delhi involving the Bengal Finance Minister. This incident has already been disapproved and condemned by the Left Parties. It is shocking and shameful that on that pretext women activists and leaders like Minati Ghosh should be attacked.
We demand that those who have attacked Minati Ghosh must be arrested forthwith. The violence unleashed by the TMC against those protesting against the custodial murder of student leader Sudipto Gupta must be stopped and a judicial probe instituted into his death.