AIDWA strongly condemns the absolutely shocking, outrageous, racist and anti-women statements that have been made by elected representatives, including those by members of the ruling BJP. A Central Cabinet Minister’s comments on the skin color of Congress President also reflects a deep-seated racist mindset against persons of colour. The Goa Chief Minister’s reported advice to a group of nurses that they should not protest in the sun as it would darken their complexion, thereby ruining their prospects of marriage, reflects an obsession with conventional stereotypes of women. The fact that the Prime Minister is unable to control his Party members appears to be a silent endorsement of such attitudes.
In another incident, a Samajwadi Party MLA has held women more responsible for rapes than men. He went on to say that women were themselves responsible for abortions and cases of dowry harassment.
It is outrageous that at a time when violence against women is sharply on the rise, several persons in positions of power are making such shocking and baseless statements that undermine the struggle against rising crimes against women. AIDWA demands that immediate action must be taken against all elected representatives for making retrograde, anti-women statements that strengthen patriarchal values and stereotype women. AIDWA also demands that a code of conduct be formulated for all elected representatives. They must be punished for anti-constitutional racist, casteist and anti-women remarks made inside and outside of legislatures. AIDWA has decided to launch a signature campaign for such a code of conduct immediately.