One month after the horrific Delhi gangrape, the Central and State Governments are yet to learn any lessons. This is shown by the refusal to pinpoint accountability and responsibility for those responsible. Top police officials including the Police Commissioner and those heading the Transport Ministry in Delhi should have been acted against. Why has the Central Government and the Sheila Dikshit Government not acted?
While expressing its solidarity with the family and the friend of the young woman who was also a victim, the AIDWA reiterates its demand for action against the Police Commissioner and those responsible for the Transport department in Delhi. It demands that the Government provide assistance and support for the family now and in the future and for the friend. The case must be completed speedily and the criminals brought to justice
Yesterday a delegation of the AIDWA with Brinda Karat and Jagmati Sangwan met the Home Minister Shri Shinde to press for action from the Central Government on issues concerning sexual assault. However in spite of all the high sounding statements from the Central Government the attitude of the Home Minister did not inspire any confidence of a change in attitude to understand the urgency of issues involved. The delegation gave a memorandum (copy enclosed) on rape cases in neighbouring Haryana which cited 11 cases to illustrate Government attitude. The State Government has utterly failed to take action against police officials who violated the law, for rehabilitation of the rape survivors and for fast track courts. Many of the victims themselves were present.
The Home Minister had no answer as to why there was no monitoring of the Centre’s rehabilitation proposals to the States or why there was no funding for such schemes. It is shocking that there is still no urgency on the part of the Central Government to ensure action to make India safe for women and children which was exemplified by the attitude of the Home Minister.
The AIDWA demands that the Central Government ensure standard operating procedures in cases of sexual assault which must be followed throughout the country. This must include inquiry and action against police officials on basis of complaints of victims that they were further victimized by the police; rehabilitation for survivors; speedy justice procedures.