A delegation comprising of AIDWA leaders - AIDWA state secretary Minati Ghosh, President Anju Kar along with Purba Medinipur district secretary, Rekha Goswami, Ramala Chakraborty, Bharati Mutsuddi and others visited the village Sunia in Kanthi, Purba Medinipur where an Anganwadi worker was raped and murdered two days ago. Her body had been found hanging from the roof of the room where she was staying. According to the neighbor adjacent to her house, the suspicious manner in which the body was found allegedly hanged suggests that she was hung up after her death, Also, there were indications that she was raped and killed before the body was strung up to make it look like a suicide.
As the AIDWA leaders approached the village they found a situation of terror prevailing in the village. Not even a child was found willing to open up, and speak frankly; they were all scared about what would happen if they did. The ninety year old father-in-law of the dead Sudhir Giri and his aged wife were left at home terrorized and completely forcibly cut-off from the residents by the TMC people. They did not even get any food during the last two days. The husband, Byomkesh Giri and son of the victim had already been driven away from their homes. Byomkesh Giri was a Local Committee member of CPI(M) and was hence hounded, and rendered homeless by the local TMC rowdies. The son could not even appear for Class 12 examination this year.
AIDWA leaders visited the home and assured them of all help. They talked to the SP , demanding proper investigation, on the basis of which the perpetrators could be identified and arrested. They pointed out certain aberrations like the fact that the post-mortem report allegedly came from a second doctor rather the one who had originally seen the body. The delegation suspected that there had been false play in preparing the post mortem report also. TMC had gone so far as to cut the roads entering into the village so that no outsiders could come in. Not even the police could come in and investigate the incident in a fair manner. This was the unfortunate state of law and order prevalent in that area, as witnessed by the delegation.
AIDWA organized protest marches in all the districts including Kolkata which saw the mobilization of a huge number of women in the state. This is a case in which local TMC leaders have been involved in a heinous crime. AIDWA has resolved to fight the case, ensure that the truth comes out and remain uncompromisingly vigilant till justice is done.