The long awaited verdict in the gruesome crime perpetrated against a 23 year old physiotherapy student in Delhi has found all the four accused guilty of gangrape and murder. The sentence is awaited. AIDWA demands that in case of any appeal by the convicted criminals against the sentence, it should be disposed of in a time bound manner. Despite it being an open and shut case, with prima facie evidence, it has still taken nine months for the judgment to be delivered. If the verdict takes so long in a case given so much attention, the trauma of rape survivors, especially children, who are awaiting justice for long years can be imagined. This injustice must be remedied without delay.
AIDWA has been campaigning for over 20 years on this issue, and we note with concern that even after important changes have been incorporated into the criminal law, its implementation is still extremely weak. AIDWA demands that all the pending cases of rape and sexual assault be investigated thoroughly, and speedy justice be delivered to the victims. More fast track courts must be set up, and judgments should be delivered within 6 months. Courts should desist from giving frequent adjournments. Standard operating procedures must be put into place not only in Delhi, but across the country, and effectively enforced. Action should be taken against the police and officials violating procedures. Police reforms, based on the recommendations of the Supreme Court in the Prakash Singh case should be urgently introduced, so that offenders with influence and money are not able to tamper with the legal process.
Long term measures are also essential to prevent such crimes. Public spaces, including in urban areas, should be made safer for women, with proper lighting, patrolling by police, setting up of CCTVs, cameras etc, wherever necessary. The rehabilitation measures necessary for survivors to return to normalcy must be drawn up, and put into effect urgently. This has also been stressed upon by the Supreme Court recently, and the Bench has issued notice to the states seeking their response on rehabilitation schemes.
We call on the government to implement the Verma committee recommendations rigorously, and ensure comprehensive justice for all victims and survivors of sexual crimes.