The All India Democratic Women’s Association (AIDWA) welcomes the statement of the CJI designate, Justice Sathasivam, supporting enactment of a law to address crimes and killings in the name of honour. Several national dailies have reported him saying that these particular crimes needed to be addressed by legislation that would deal with all aspects of these crimes.
AIDWA has not only been demanding such a legislation but has drafted a Bill. Unfortunately the Govt. of India has so far lacked the political will to accept the crying need for this legislation, largely because of the dependance of the major poitical parties on dominant castes for electoral support.
'Honour' crimes are now occurring with increasing frequency across the country.
AIDWA units have intervened in very large numbers of these cases and have experienced the complete inadequacies of existing laws in ensuring justice and security to the victims.
We hope that the CJI designate’s statement will push the Govt. into fulfilling the urgent need for an effective law to deal with this particular and heinous crime.