In connection with the heinous ‘honour’ killing of 21 year old Bhawna Yadav whose parents have already been arrested for the crime, a delegation led by AIDWA General Secretary Jagmati Sangwan and Delhi State Secretary Sehba Farooqui along with Mr. Abhishek Seth (the husband of the deceased) and Mrs. Bharti Seth (mother-in-law of the deceased) met Special Commissioner of Police Mr. Deepak Mishra on 04.12.2014. They were accompanied by advocates Ujas Kumar, Sugandha Anand and activist Anandita Mishra.
Expressing grave concern at the slow and unsatisfactory progress in the investigation of the case, and apprehending the destruction of evidence by one of the main accused who remained free, the main demand raised by AIDWA was the immediate arrest of Bhawna’s maternal uncle Jitender aka Lucky aka Lakhan. AIDWA also demanded investigation of the role of the persons who took Bhawna away and accompanied the family to the village and cremated her. The police also promised to provide security to the complainants based on their assessment of threat. Mr. Deepak Mishra assured speedy action and the Mama has reportedly been arrested, according to the Investigating Officer Shyamli Shrivastava. AIDWA hopes that the police will follow upon its other suggestions and AIDWA will continue the fight for ‘Justice for Bhawna’.