The undersigned women’s organizations oppose the selective approach of the Government to the Verma Committee recommendations, which negates the democratic process that has preceded its preparation.
The Govt. should have adopted a holistic approach to the Verma Committee report, which is comprehensive, and multifaceted; the present piecemeal, and fragmented ordinance can only serve to sabotage the intention of providing recourse to victims of violence.
Some significant amendments concerning culpability of the state, punishment to officers, including those with command responsibility, the issue of bringing the army personnel under the jurisdiction of criminal law, have been excluded from the ordinance. The violence suffered by women in conflict situations are also exempted. Issues of sexual autonomy, the rights of women not be raped within marriage, the concerns of those with alternative sexualities, have been ignored. The discussions around the death penalty which led to the Verma committee not including it in the recommendations have not been considered. These clearly show that the Government has not done justice to the report on these important aspects.
While the Verma Committee recommended that rape should be made gender specific, this has not been accepted in the ordnance, which dilutes the seriousness of the crime against women substantially. Women’s organizations were also petitioning the Govt to strengthen certain provisions to ensure time bound trial, proper rehabilitation, and inclusion of aggravated assault for crimes against the oppressed castes and classes. The additional exploitation faced by dalit adivasis, economically backward sections should also be included.
It would have been better for the Government to move for amendments in Parliament keeping in mind the holistic perspective that has been an important feature of the Verma Committee recommendations. Such a democratic exercise is still necessary. We call on the Govt to review the ordinance, and adopt a more comprehensive approach to the Verma Committee Report..
(Sudha Sundararaman)--All India Democratic Women’s Association
(Sheela Kakde)—All India Women’s Conference
(Dr. Indu Agnihotri) -- Centre for Women’s Development Studies
(Jyotsna Chatterjee) -- Joint Women’s Programme
(Dr. Mohini Giri) – -- Guild of Service
(Vimal Thorat) -- All India Dalit Mahila Adhikar Manch
(Annie Raja) -- National Federation Of Indian Women
(Azra Abidi) -- Muslim Women’s Forum
(Leila Passah)—Young Women’s Christian Association of India