AIDWA condemns the sexist remarks made by CBI Director Shri Ranjit Sinha, in equating betting with rapes and stating that if rapes cannot be stopped, women should enjoy them. These remarks are extremely insulting to the women of India apart from being derogatory to women. Mr. Sinha trivializes the severity and rampancy of violence against women, and demonstrates the insensitivity and the lack of sympathy of the head of the highest investigative authority in our country to such crimes of violence. By comparing rapes to illegal sports betting and placing both at the same pedestal, he has undermined the seriousness of rape as an act of sexual violence against the person, body and autonomy of women, and is in no manner a mere economic offence like betting. He further perpetuates the mythical notion that it is the women themselves who are responsible for crimes against them, including rape, and it is they who have the complete power to invite sexual assaults upon themselves or save themselves from such acts of violence.
If the head of the CBI, responsible for investigating these crimes, himself professes and expresses such beliefs, then not only does it raise questions on the integrity of the investigation process itself, but it also undermines the faith of the public in the public institutions and their duty to uphold and protect the rights of the citizens. The expression of such a flippant sentiment from a public officer of such a high designation sends the wrong signal to society.
The comments of the CBI Director are defamatory in character against the class of women across the nation, by suggesting that women are capable of enjoying rape. He has also violated the Conduct Rules for IPS officers for behaving in a manner unbecoming of an officer of his rank and profile, and contravenes the existing government policy regarding crimes against women.
AIDWA states that such an officer has no right to stay on in office, and that AIDWA will ask for his removal from court unless he resigns.