AIDWA welcomes the fact that the Food Security Bill was passed by the Lok Sabha only after an extensive discussion and debate. The enactment of the Bill represents a recognition of the fact that the State is responsible for the fulfilling the minimum nutritional needs of its citizens and must guarantee access to affordable, subsidised foodgrains to them. It is, however, unfortunate, that the Government did not increase the per capita availability of subsidized ration to 7 kilos and did not accept the Left Parties demand for both rice and wheat to be priced at no more than 2/- a kilo. As a result, many poor families will actually find their rations reduced every month. This will hit them hard at a time when foodgrains are becoming more and more expensive every day. The new law has also not taken into account the growing demand for adding other essential items like sugar, oil and pulses to foodgrains being raised by AIDWA and others.
AIDWA welcomes the fact that some pro-people amendments have been accepted and that the needs of pregnant women, lactating mothers and children will also be met to some extent. Another welcome feature is that the definition of ‘meal’ in the ICDS and mid-day meal programme is hot, cooked food and not packaged products.
The passage of the Bill is a partial victory for all those like AIDWA who have been struggling for years for a universal PDS and a real Food Security Act that will seriously address the malnutrition and hunger that stalk large parts of our country. But the victory is a partial one and the struggle has to continue.