AIDWA takes a serious note and strongly condemns the highly outrageous remarks of Principal Secretary of Higher Education, Haryana Government with representatives of Haryana Government College Teachers’ Association (HGCTA), who had met with the officials to discuss their demands.
On July 23 when the HGCTA delegation met with Principal Secretary S.S. Prasad with their issues and spoke about a demand to include six months maternity leave as part of the mandatory rural area deputation of a lecturer, he reportedly reacted by saying “Do they conceive with my permission?” Even after the members of the delegation expressed anger over such irresponsible remark in the presence of other senior government officials, he did not apologies.
This attitude of a higher government official towards women employees is condemnable especially at the time when the government is supposed to be trying to sensitise its officials towards women and gender issues.
Needless to say that to encourage women to join mainstream work, government needs to take up special initiatives which would make it possible for women to fulfill the double burden of making a family and earning their livelihoods. Such attitude of government officials goes against this spirit. AIDWA demands that the Haryana Government must initiate stringent action against this official immediately