AIDWA expresses deep concern at the arbitrary and non serious way in which the probe into the mysterious death of Ms Sunanda Pushkar is being carried out. The case has been transferred back from Crime Branch to South District Police without providing justified reasons. This has only raised suspicions regarding the chances of some external intervention as the Union Minister of State for Human Resource Development (HRD) is himself involved in the case. It has been 10 days since her death and so far, there hasn't been any police investigation. Moreover, there are reliable reports that some instructions were being given to close the case files by putting the case in “cold cases cell”.
The autopsy report of Ms Pushkar had clearly specified that there were injury marks on her body. The investigating agencies are duty bound to establish whether violence or foul play was involved in her death, and what role her husband Mr Shashi Tharoor had to play in the whole matter. The reluctance being displayed by the authorities to investigate the case closely and the arbitrary shift between police departments, are sources of suspicions and speculation.
AIDWA feels that there should be a fair, thorough and speedy investigation into this case. No “clean-chits” should be given to people involved in the case by either police officials or government ministers before the investigation is over. We also demand that the reasons behind transferring the case from one agency to another should also be spelt out clearly.